Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well, thought of something to write about....dogs....our dogs....our mostly worthless dogs.  The dogs who dumped and spread all the trash out that I picked up this morning at 6AM.  The dogs who have torn up our front yard to unprecedented levels as I discovered as I mowed it this morning - I got stuck twice in digging sites if that gives anyone a mental picture.  The dogs who've deposited yet another armadillo treasure in our recently mown side lawn.  The dogs who can be discovered most days hiding somewhere while they 'get sick to their stomach.'  The dogs who continually find ways to burrow under the porch in search of a cool spot.  The dogs who bark all night at squirrels or coyotes or cats.  The dogs who don't bark when some stranger walks in off the road at 2:30AM and knocks on the front door drunk.  The dogs who run up to strangers in their vehicles and lay down on their back asking to get their tummies scratched.  The dogs whose names are Jumper and Nick.  Love you guys!!

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