Sunday, April 17, 2022

Leadership From the Trenches - Issue 01 - "Scope, Mission, Disclaimers"

This post will have no meaningful content.  It will serve as a link-able repository of why I set this up in the original and what disclaimers need to be mentioned or considered.  Here goes.....

Scope:  The scope will be fairly limited.  I don't intend to post a lot.  I don't have huge readership metrics.  Not even close.  But what I do write and will write will be well thought out, experience based, and intended to be helpful.

Mission: I intend to have this as a repository of thoughts on leadership issues.  These will include: organizational leadership; handling difficult people; handling difficult situations; leading through change; fallacies; and several other topics relevant to leadership.  If or when an external stakeholder wishes to know my thoughts on leadership issues and aptitudes, I can possibly point them to the posts I plan to write in coming years.


1. I write for myself.  My thoughts are not representative of the policies or actions of any of my full-time or part-time employers, past, present, or future.

2.  Experiences will prompt thoughts leading to blog posts.  Those experiences may originate in my personal workplace.  I will do everything possible to generalize the situations and thoughts prompted.  I will try to temporally separate the prompting issue from the actual blog post. I will anonymize people, places, etc.   I won't be perfect in this effort.  If a reader detects any connection and believes I am passively aggressively trying to win hearts and minds on a workplace issue, they should immediately cease such a belief.  Usually, I have spoken out on the workplace issue already.  I'm fairly direct....not passive aggressive.  And yet, if the casual reader comes along and makes a connection and it helps them, then any progress made is a wonderful benefit.

3. I'm no leadership guru.  I have participated in a number of high profile leadership trainings, experiences, camps, etc.  So I do believe I have something to offer.  I will welcome feedback, either on the blog, or via social media if this is shared.

4. I retain authorial copyright for all original thoughts, examples, anecdotes, ideas and ways of explaining things.  Let me remind you - just link to the post.  No need to steal intellectual property.

5. "From The Trenches" is first of all just a colloquialism.  But sorta specific to me, it implies that I do a lot of uncredited leadership from the trenches.  I've been overlooked for a lot of leadership posts - volunteer and employer-based - that I really deserved, so I'm stuck 'in the trenches.'  I do get some things done in the trenches, and sadly, often see others take credit for what I did, but it is what it is, and I hope some day the good Lord allows it to change.

Thanks for reading.

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