Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blogging Again (?) - New Site; Old Details

I'm going to try blogging again. Just add it to the list of other things I don't have time to do. This new blogging effort (and blogging platform) are mostly motivated by the closing down of Posterous. Today (April 30, 2013) was the last day it was up, and I was informed I needed to migrate my old Posterous content to a new place or lose it forever. Hence, this new site. Note, all the posts starting this blog out that are dated April 30, 2013, were actually published in mid to late 2009 (UPDATE 9PM April 30, 2013: Blogger allowed me to revise the post date and the posts are now listed with the original date of publication on Posterous). I don't know if the original post date is embedded in the meta-data of the post anywhere, but I did want to record that little detail somewhere, so here it is. Have a good day. Tim

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